Demineralized allograft bone with osteoinductive potential

Demineralized bone matrix (DBM) Sponges/Putty

Pinnacle portfolio of bio-implants specially intended to improve bone regeneration. Apex DBM is the only DBM on the market that offers a 100% bone derived product, with no need of extrinsic organic carriers that have no bioactivity or biological function.

DBM Putty is entirely derived from human allograft bone tissue.
A unique processing method was invented to eliminate the need for extrinsic organic carriers that have no bioactivity or biological


Easy to Use
Apex DBM Putty is formable and flowable. APEX resists irrigation and can be used to augment autologous cancellous or cortico-cancellous grafts.

cGTPs and American Association of Tissue Bank (AATB) accredited. DBM is terminally sterilized using validated e-beam irradiation. Recovery and Screening performed according to FDA and AATB guidelines.


volume (cc)
Apex Putty 0,5-10
Apex Putty Crunch 1-5
Apex DBM Fiber Putty 1-10